Art-in-Biomedical-Imaging Contest of ISBI2024
Exploring the intersection of empathy, freedom, and individuality in medicine
Visual journey through the human body
Focusing on the seeds of Life
Visual artwork centring the human anatomy, birth and maturation, disease and illness, and death
Medical art and graphics
History of anatomy, the body and medicine
Medical illustration (.net)
Medical illustration and comparative anatomy using traditional and digital media
Collages that merge anatomical imagery with illustrations
Creations inspired by traditional art of medical journals and botanical prints
Medical issues in illustration and design
A universe inspired by nature, ancient world symbols and human anatomy
Cyber creatures inspired by anatomy and the world of biology
Dreamlike perspectives of anatomy
Sensual and surreal anatomy
Body system posters
Figurative painting with a precise understanding of scientific anatomy
Life in all its beauty, strength, fragility, disease, mortality and death
Intertwining of science, art and technology
Anatomical oil paintings
Anatomical illustrations
Medical Illustration (
Medical illustration
Medical Illustration (“Nowa Era”)
Anatomically inspired illustrations