Exploring the intersection of empathy, freedom, and individuality in medicine
Visual journey through the human body
Human shape onto an anatomical board
Biological geographies
Visceral fascination for organic processes
Human Biology in Comics
Connecting body and spirit as equal parts
Visual artwork centring the human anatomy, birth and maturation, disease and illness, and death
Anatomy-inspired themes using age-old painting techniques
Exploring neuroscience through art
Hyperreal collision of human anatomy with Nature
Human form in a constant state of transformation
Anatomical portraits made by pen
The human body in textile, photography and sculpture
Medical illustration (.net)
Anatomy, life, death and art
Medical illustration and comparative anatomy using traditional and digital media
Perception of life, death and madness
Portraiture melding of medicine with art
Human mandalas
Ontogenetic and conceptual art
Waxwork and anatomical sculptures
Multifaceted explorations through the intersections of Art and Science
Body as a soul instrument
Human anatomy and its symbiotic history with arts and technology
The human body as an individually lived, subjective experience
Creations inspired by traditional art of medical journals and botanical prints
Paintings inspired by science and nature, anatomy, human folly and curiosity for the macabre
A universe inspired by nature, ancient world symbols and human anatomy
The fragile, vulnerable body in its ephemeral presence
Exploration of boundaries between life and death, interior and exterior, real and pictured body
Cyber creatures inspired by anatomy and the world of biology
Tattooed leather artefacts and tattoo design inspired by anatomy
Photorealism, surrealism and optical illusion in anatomical paintings
Sensual and surreal anatomy
Explorations in colorful anatomy
Body system posters
Popular characters skeletal system
Multidimentional anatomical art
Photographic explorations of dust and keratin