Excited to announce that MEDinART is presented in the New York based SciArt Magazine, October 2016, issue! In this issue…
Delighted to announce the new collaborative issue of MEDinART with the Interalia Magazine: the online Art, Science and Consciousness magazine,…
Snubbed by science, embraced by art. The father of psychoanalysis, Sigmund Freud, was embraced by art, and artists from all…
Delighted and honored to be mentioned in the book “Fifty Things from Belgium” written by Theo Dirix, Consul of the…
Exclusive article about MEDinART in Interalia Magazine: Delighted to announce that the Interalia Magazine, the online Art, Science and Consciousness…
Happy to announce that the first MEDinART Autumn Newsletter has been send to MEDinART artists and MEDinART friends! The newsletter…
MEDinART is happy to announce that Vesalius Continuum and Fabrica Vitae exhibition that will take place on Zakynthos, Greece (4-8…
MEDinART and Vesalius Continuum have been mentioned in the blog of Medical-Artist.com: the independent medical illustration business, that offers a…
The interesting blog with articles about Life Sciences and contemporary art collision of Dr. Jennifer Willet,…
Why are so many health organisations funding art projects and what can artists and scientists gain from close collaboration?
An interesting article by Laura Barnett, Guardian Professional
Art meets science: a work from The Romantic
Disease by artist Anna Dumitriu. Photograph: Watermans