MED in ART is featured in ARTnews JAPAN! It’s amazing to see how creativity can spark meaningful conversations about bio-medical…
We are excited to announce the first-ever ISBI Art-in-Biomedical-Imaging contest (artISBI2024); a unique event merging art and biomedical imaging! We…
Vesalius Continuum event Friday 15th of March 2024 Vesalius Square, Zakynthos, Greece Vesalius Continuum cordially invites you to a multicultural…
Exhibition and Symposium Threads of Life: Textiles in Medicine and Art Opening: 13 June 2023, 18:00 Duration 14 June –…
Anatomy and Art event 29th AEIMS Congress – 4th Vesalius Triennial 22-24 June 2023 University of Antwerp, Stadscampus, Building S…
“Blood and Breath, Skin and Dust” Exhibition of Kim Morgan Curated by Susan Gibson Garvey Dalhousie Art Gallery Duration: 16…
MEDinART at the opening ceremony of the 11th Panhellenic Congress of Ocular Inflammation and Infections”, Thessaloniki-GR (3-5.12.2021). One of the MEDinARΤ…
New publication about MEDinART New article publishes in the new Issue of Hellenic Society of Dermatology and Venereology. Title: “Exploring…
Title of talk: «The mutual beneficial relation between medicine and art: the paradigm of MEDinARΤ» by Dr. Vasia Hatzi Event:…
The article about MEDinART and its philosophy, by Dr. Vasia Hatzi, has been published in December’s Issue of JEAHIL (Journal…