Med in Art

The Vesalius event in Astana, Kazakstan was… SOLD OUT!!

The Vesalius event in Astana, Kazakstan was… SOLD OUT!!

The Andreas Vesalius 500th birthday conference that took place on 6th October 2015 at the Medical University of Astana, Kazakhsta…

MEDinART in Kazakhstan!

Category : Collaborations, Events
MEDinART in Kazakhstan!

Delighted to announce that MEDinART video will be screened in the event organized by the Embassy of the Kingdom of…

500th birthday Celebration of Vesalius. We thank you all for being there!

500th birthday Celebration of Vesalius. We thank you all for being there!

A wonderful night to remember, full of Medicine and Art! We thank you all for being there. 500th Birthday of…

MEDinART in Fabrica Vitae in Athens in Andreas Syggros Museum!

MEDinART in Fabrica Vitae in Athens in Andreas Syggros Museum!

Delighted to announce that MEDinART video will participate in the International Medical Art exhibition “Fabrica Vitae” that will take place…

MEDinART Autumn Newsletter

MEDinART Autumn Newsletter

Happy to announce that the first MEDinART Autumn Newsletter has been send to MEDinART artists and MEDinART friends! The newsletter…

MEDinART in Vesalius Continuum and Fabrica Vitae

MEDinART in Vesalius Continuum and Fabrica Vitae

I am delighted that MEDinART was presented at the International exhibition Fabrica Vitae as part of Vesalius Continuum, the International…

Fabrica Vitae exhibition and Vesalius Continuum are mentioned at New York Times (Aug. 25, 2014)

Fabrica Vitae exhibition and Vesalius Continuum are mentioned at New York Times (Aug. 25, 2014)

MEDinART is happy to announce that Vesalius Continuum and Fabrica Vitae exhibition that will take place on Zakynthos, Greece (4-8…

MEDinART in Vesalius Continuum (4-8 September 2014, Zakynthos, Greece)

MEDinART in Vesalius Continuum (4-8 September 2014, Zakynthos, Greece)

Great news for MEDinART! So excited to announce that MEDinART will participate with a video screening in Vesalius Continuum: the…

BIOMAB is raising funds for the making of the film “Fabrica Vitae”

BIOMAB is an Independent, non-profitable and non-governmental Belgian association that offers an interdisciplinary and international program for artists, scholars, and scientists. It was founded in 2010 by Pascale Pollier-Green (Medical Artist), Ann Van de Velde (Hematologist) and Francis Van Glabbeek (Anatomist & Orthopedic Surgeon).
University of Antwerp, Faculty of Medicine

Artesis Hogeschool Antwerpen – Royal Academy of Fine Arts
Karel de Grote Hogeschool Antwerpen – Sint Lucas Antwerpen
London, Dundee, Strasbourg and New York – ARS International

BIOMAB is raising funds for the making of the film “Fabrica Vitae”, reflecting on the Fabric of Life” on Kickstarter.

In 2014, five hundred years after the birth of Andreas Vesalius, the founder of modern anatomy, BIOMAB proposes to create a film that will show how the legacy of Vesalius is still challenging new generations of artists and scientists to create groundbreaking work.

A group of contemporary, brilliant scientists and innovative artists will be questioned about their work and what they perceive the future of “humanity and the physical human body” to be. It will be fascinating to record their unique visions of man’s mortality, decay and death.

The film will be shown during the Vesalius conference at Zakynthos Greece.

For more information, visit BIOMAB and here


For more info, check here

PROJECT ANATOME of Rachael Allen


Commenced October 2012 (funding applications in progress)

The collaboration between artist and medical academics,students and physicians will explore how contemporary art can offer new perspectives on how we come to see and know ourselves through anatomical studies.

The artist will be resident in Newcastle, Northumbria and Durham University anatomy labs (UK) during the academic year 2012-2014, with the dissemination of the project and artworks scheduled throughout this period.















Past and Current projects and exhibitions from Project ANATOME:

Death and Dissection: (solo exhibition)

Let Be Be Finale of Seem

A series of events presenting work about death and the way it structures life

studio 41, Glasgow

25th – 26th May 2012

Death and Dissection contemplates moral issues associated with the practice of human dissection, and offer a view into the anatomy lab through a sensual screen. Paying homage to the 16th-18th century medical students who would bear witness to bodily decomposition, and thus, were closer to death, the workshop invites one to view, and handle, the vital process without which life would not be possible – decay.

The waiting room (solo exhibition)

Newcastle Arts Centre, Newcastle Upon Tyne

7th September- 15th October 2012

Life Bioscience Centre, International Centre for Life

15th October – December 2012

In ‘The waiting room’, artworks of high skill and material expertise serve a richer, more creative perspective on human illness and suffering than can be achieved by quantitative measures, medical diagnoses’ and bioethical regulations.


‘Specimen Life (death) Drawing’ presentation & ‘Death and Dissection’ experimental project

Drawing in the University, International Meeting on Drawing, Image and

Research, University of Oporto, Faculty of Fine Arts and Faculty of Architecture, Portugal, May 31 and June 1, 2013

Abstract for ‘Specimen Life (death) Drawing’

Abstract for ‘Death and Dissection’ experimental project


Picturing Diagnosis (workshop with medical students)

Published on The Intima: A Journal of Narrative Medicine

Picturing Diagnosis will call upon the student as detective, to listen to dramatic stories of patients with debilitating symptoms, their challenges with medical treatment, the vagaries of medical tests, and the distress of diagnostic errors. Unaware of the patients’ condition, they will utilise visual material such as clinical and anatomical imagery to help assist in the diagnosing process.


‘Picturing Diagnosis’ conference paper, A Narrative Future for Health Care, King’s Guy’s Hospital Campus, London, June 19 to 21, 2013

For more information about PROJECT ANATOME, click here.. and here!