Med in Art

Invited Talk entitled “Medicine and Art” at the 15th Panhellenic Congress of Dermatological and Venerealogy, by Vasia Hatzi

Invited Talk entitled “Medicine and Art” at the 15th Panhellenic Congress of Dermatological and Venerealogy, by Vasia Hatzi

Honored to be invited as a keynote speaker at the opening ceremony of the “15th Panhellenic Congress of Dermatology and…

MEDinART is nominated for STARTUPPER AWARD 2018

Category : Awards, Competitions
MEDinART is nominated for STARTUPPER AWARD 2018

A wonderful -and unexpected- new! MEDinARΤ is nominated for the STARTUPPER AWARD 2018 in the category “Early Stage StartUps”! Show…

Lose yourself in the microcosm_Wellcome Image Awards_2015

Category : Awards
Lose yourself in the microcosm_Wellcome Image Awards_2015

Pioneered by Robert Hooke, 350 years ago, microscopes have been extending our vision. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM), confocal microscopy and…

Brooke Roberts has been shortlisted for an award in London called the h.Club100

Category : Awards, MEDinART Artists

MEDinART proudly announces that Brooke Roberts, the London based radiographer and fashion designer, has just been shortlisted for an award in London called the h.Club100.

It is a list of the 100 most innovative, interesting and influential creative people in Britain. She is among the “wildcard” (ie. the least famous and most unusual nominee in the fashion category).


Explore the science inspired design of Brooke Roberts and send her your bio-inspired love with your vote!

To vote, follow the link, tick the box and then submit.


Brooke Roberts, connects the seemingly unconnected worlds of medical imaging analysis with design and fashion. In addition to her work, she has inspired us with her talk and her med-inspired fashion show at TEDMED Live Athens 2013. You can watch her talk from the blog of MEDinART here
