Med in Art



MED in ART is featured in ARTnews JAPAN! It’s amazing to see how creativity can spark meaningful conversations about bio-medical…

Vesalius Continuum event, 15th March 2024, Zakynthos, Greece

Vesalius Continuum event, 15th March 2024, Zakynthos, Greece

Vesalius Continuum event Friday 15th of March 2024 Vesalius Square, Zakynthos, Greece Vesalius Continuum cordially invites you to a multicultural…

“Blood and Breath, Skin and Dust” Kim Morgan exhibition_Dalhousie Art Gallery

“Blood and Breath, Skin and Dust” Kim Morgan exhibition_Dalhousie Art Gallery

“Blood and Breath, Skin and Dust” Exhibition of Kim Morgan Curated by Susan Gibson Garvey Dalhousie Art Gallery Duration: 16…

Article about MEDinART in JEAHIL, December Issue [Vol 15(4):17-22]

Article about MEDinART in JEAHIL, December Issue [Vol 15(4):17-22]

The article about MEDinART and its philosophy, by Dr. Vasia Hatzi,  has been published in December’s Issue of JEAHIL (Journal…

“Arte transgenica. La vita è il medium”_Mario Savini_Book release

Category : Artists, Bio-art, Books
“Arte transgenica. La vita è il medium”_Mario Savini_Book release

Mario Savini’s book is the first collection of all the names of the artists in the world who have employed…

International Meeting // Art & the Life Sciences: Ethics & Perspectives, Athens

International Meeting // Art & the Life Sciences: Ethics & Perspectives, Athens

  The Laboratory for Study and Conservation of Ancient and Modern Cultural Properties of the University of West Attica and…

Commemorative set of stamps “Art through the Microscope”, Hellenic Post Collection_Prof. Maria Lambropoulou

Commemorative set of stamps “Art through the Microscope”, Hellenic Post Collection_Prof. Maria Lambropoulou

A great success from Greece from Maria Lambropoulou, Associate Professor of Histology & Embryology at the medical department of the Democritius University…

Open Call_Bio Art & Design Award_2018

Open Call_Bio Art & Design Award_2018

Open Call: BAD award 2018   The Bio Art & Design Award (previously called the DA4GA) is a € 25.000…

“Cardiology in Art: the MEDinART paradigm”_Vasia Hatzi talk_CNIC PhDay 2017, Madrid-Spain

“Cardiology in Art: the MEDinART paradigm”_Vasia Hatzi talk_CNIC PhDay 2017, Madrid-Spain

Special thanks to the organising committee of CNIC PhDay 2017 for the warm and honored invitation and everyone who attended my lecture on November…

Interdisciplinary conference / “Taboo – Transgression – Transcendence in Art & Science” / Department of Audio and Visual Arts, Ionian University, Greece

Interdisciplinary conference / “Taboo – Transgression – Transcendence in Art & Science” / Department of Audio and Visual Arts, Ionian University, Greece

Interdisciplinary conference “Taboo – Transgression – Transcendence in Art & Science” that includes theoretical and artwork presentations. The conference is…