Med in Art

MEDinART in Vesalius Continuum and Fabrica Vitae

MEDinART in Vesalius Continuum and Fabrica Vitae

I am delighted that MEDinART was presented at the International exhibition Fabrica Vitae as part of Vesalius Continuum, the International…

OPEN CALL for “SCIENCE INSPIRES ART: THE BRAIN”_ Organizers: Art & Science Collaborations_ Place: New York Hall of Science

OPEN CALL for “SCIENCE INSPIRES ART: THE BRAIN”_ Organizers: Art & Science Collaborations_ Place: New York Hall of Science

ANNOUNCING OPEN CALL!     Announcing open call for “SCIENCE INSPIRES ART: The BRAIN,” the 16th international art-sci juried exhibition…

ICRI 2014 Research & Art Competition and Exhibition

Science & Art in dialogue over the centuries

Art has long been interested in Research and Science: from Renaissance art and Leonardo da Vinci with his studies of physics, 19th century art nouveau with its influence from shapes and colours emerging from biology and the invention of the microscope, to 20th century art with Surrealist iconography drawing on Freud and the findings of psychiatry, the acclaimed American James Turrell working with the physical laws and the optical illusions of light, the young Chinese WU Juehui dealing with a potential interface between neuroscience and art, and to grand international exhibitions dedicated to the intersection of art and science, such as L’âme au corps: arts et sciences 1793-1993 at the Grand Palais in Paris, curated by the great art historian Jean Clair, the meeting point of art and research/science has been fascinating artists and has deeply determined the course of their work. […]

For more information about the competition follow this link:










“Stranger Visions” of Heather Dewey-Hagborg at the New York Public Library


Januray 7 – April 4, 2014.

Mid-Manhattan Library, Front Windows and Third Floor.

Opening exhibition of Heather Dewey-Hagborg entitled “Stranger Visions” at the New York Public Library, Mid-Manhattan branch of.

This work is exhibiting as part of Art Wall on Third and Art in the Windows series.

Saturday, February 1, 2014, 2:30 – 4:30 p.m.

Mid-Manhattan Library, 1st Floor Corner Room.

455 Fifth ave. (at 40th st.), New York, NY 10016

On February 1 at 2:30pm Heather Dewey-Hagborg will be discussing the work with 319 Scholes, curator Lindsay Howard, as part of the library’s Artist Dialogue series. Technical details of the work such as collecting and analyzing genetic material from public news about Heather’s Dewey-Hagborg work

Stranger Visions recently returned from a surveillance-themed exhibit Trace Recordings at the University of Technology Sydney as well as Destroy Yourself locally at Kunsthalle Galapagos in Brooklyn. Heather Dewey-Hagborg completed a site-specific version of the work for the show Grow Your Own at the Dublin Science Gallery and spoke on a Norwegian Biotechnology Advisory Board panel about issues of genetic surveillance.Stranger Visions was reviewed by Chin-Chin Yap in Arts Asia Pacific, featured in C Magazine as part of their winter surveillance issue, and made the cover of Government Technology.*Photograph: Thomas Dexter

Benjamin Vierling solo exhibition “A Decennary Retrospective” in Seatle, 17/01/14-14/02/14

“Firebird,” by Benjamin A. Vierling

Benjamin Vierling: A Decennary Retrospective
January 17 — February 14Concurrent Artist Lecture: Friday, January 17

7:00pm/Geo Studio (3rd floor)Showcasing select drawings and paintings from 10 years of work, 2004-2014, A Decennary Retrospective is California artist Benjamin Vierling‘s first solo exhibition in Seattle. Employing primarily a 15th century mixed media technique of egg tempera and oil paints on panel, he integrates mythical references with contemporary subjects to bridge the timeless with the ephemeral. The iconic compositions of these panels indicate a rich historical precedent, distilling influences from the classical era, through the renaissance, the romantic period and into the present.Artists’ Reception: January 17, 6:00pm –


For more information for the exhibition check here:

And also the Facebook invite to the opening:

NATURAL SCIENCE: exhibition opening by Jennifer Willet

Category : Events, Exhibitions


The first NATURAL SCIENCE exhibit by Jennifer Willet will open at Artcite Gallery in Windsor Ontario Canada on January 17, 2014.

In July 2011, twenty artists, scientists, filmmakers, theorists and students engaged in an art/science research experiment where a diverse set of individuals came together to live and work at a bioart field research station in the Canadian Rocky Mountains. BioARTCAMP was a collaborative art/science project designed by Jennifer Willet and co-produced by INCUBATOR Lab and The Banff Centre. Participants worked to build a portable laboratory in the forest and conducted a variety of scientific, ecological, creative, and theoretical projects. BioARTCAMP served to provide alternative visions of of the biotech future: ecological, embodied and responsible visions of our relations and responsibilities to the other life forms we share our planet and our laboratories with.

In this exhibition, NATURAL SCIENCE, Willet will present an un-natural history collection; a collection of items, life forms, images, and stories resulting from the BioARTCAMP project. In the NATURAL SCIENCE collection traditional hierarchies between what is natural and unnatural are undermined. Lab specimens co-exist with local ecological specimens, cultural artefacts and human subjects. These objects, in tandem with photographic, video, and archival documentation of the camp attempt to recount the BioARTCAMP experience and serve to re-imagine the role of biotechnology in our shared natural history.

Video Direction: Jeanette Groenendaal, Zoot Derks

BioARTCAMP Participants: Iain Baxter&, Angus Leech, Tagny Duff, Paul Vanouse, Marta De Menezes, Marie Pier Boucher, Kurt Illerbrun, Bulent Mutus, Jeanette Groenendaal, Zoot Derks, Jennifer Willet, Jamie Ferguson, Britt Wray, Kacie Auffret, David Dowhaniuk. Additionally, Tokio Webster, Grant Yocom, Louise Baxter&, Joan Linder, Dylan Leech.

Project Assistants: Billie Mclaughlin, Arturo Herrera, Lauren DiVito, Dianne Clinton, Patrick Bodnar.

Supporters: The Canada Council for the Arts, the Banff Centre, the University of Windsor, the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, the Ontario Arts Council, Hostelling International, Parks Canada, Banff National Park, The Art and Genomics Centre at The University of Leiden, Fonds BKVB.

The exhibition will travel to three more confirmed sites; Forrest City Gallery (London Ontario, Jan 2015) to Harcourt House Gallery (Edmonton, August 2015) and to Open Space (Victoria, 2016).


Leonardo Da Vinci exhibition in Athens until the 16th of February 2014


The exhibition ”Leonardo Da Vinci: The Man, The Inventor, The Genius” has been hosted in more than 20 cities in the world over the past few years and we now welcome it in Athens until the 16th of February 2014 where we will admire an illustration of various aspects of his life and his work.

The exhibition includes more than 40 interactive, three-dimensional models of inventions and machines: flying machines, models based on hydraulics and the mechanical sciences, as well as, military equipment.

For more info, check here!

Anna Dumitriu’s new solo Exhibition “The Romantic Disease: an Artistic Investigation of Tuberculosis”


Opening reception of “The Romantic Disease: An Artistic Investigation of Tuberculosis” – a brand new solo exhibition by Anna Dumitriu showing installations and sculptures made with strains of mycobacteria, transformed historical artefacts, and textiles that our reveal the complexities of Tuberculosis (TB) and our responses to the disease. The show explores the strange history of TB from artistic, social and scientific perspectives and covers subjects such as superstitions about the disease, its literary and romantic associations, the development of antibiotics and the latest research into whole genome sequencing of bacteria.

Artworks in The Romantic Disease” are made with a combination of textile art and biological matter including strains of Mycobacterium vaccae, M. bovis and M. tuberculosis that have been sterilized prior to exhibition. Re-crafted historical artefacts and objects are added to the mix. For example, Dumitriu has developed a series of textile installations stained with bacteria dyes patterned using antibiotic ‘resists’, which focus on how early ‘antibiotics’, such as Prontosil, were derived from chemical dyes. For ”Where there’s dust there’s danger” she has created a series of tiny felt lungs from wool and dust into which she has incorporated the DNA of killed Mycobacterium tuberculosis produced in a Containment Level 3 Laboratory (the highest level for handling bacteria). Around a century ago dust was incorrectly thought to be one of the primary causes of the disease. Amongst the altered historical artefacts an intricately carved and engraved Pneumothorax Machine can be found, previously used to collapse lungs of unfortunate patients ‘to give them a rest’.

The exhibition has been developed through Anna Dumitriu’s ongoing artist’s residency at The University of Oxford with the UK CRC Modernising Medical Microbiology Project, and is funded by The Wellcome Trust.

The show is also open 16th January 2014 – 24th March 2014, daily 12pm (noon) – 9pm

There will also be a major one day symposium on World Tuberculosis Day on 24th March 2014. with key speakers in the field of TB and press conference will be held at Waterman’s for World Tuberculosis Day on 24th March. The latest research into this disease, which currently affects one third of the World’s population, will be discussed in a highly accessible way.

As well as the exhibition and symposium, The Romantic Disease has an ‘open lab’ workshop with Anna Dumitriu, Dr Simon Park, Dr Melissa Grant and special guests. This will run on five Saturdays, 11am – 5pm, on 15th and 22nd February, 1st, 15th and 22nd March 2014 and visitors on those days will see the group at work in the gallery.

To attend the open lab see

Watermans, 40 High Street, Brentford, West London, UK, TW8 0DS


Foreign Bodies, Common Ground Exhibition, Wellcome Collection, 14/11/2013 – 09/02/2014

Six artists, six countries.

B-Floor Theatre, Lêna Bùi, Elson Kambalu, Miriam Syowia Kyambi and James Muriuki, Zwelethu Mthethwa, Katie Paterson.

What happens when you set up six artist residencies in different medical research centres throughout the world? This intimate exhibition showcases a diverse body of work from the artists who worked in research centres in Kenya, Malawi, South Africa, Thailand, Vietnam and the UK.

The artists were invited to spend at least six months exploring the activity of researchers and produce new work in response to their experiences. The result is a series of moving, challenging and humorous works, richly varied in form and tone. They record journeys taken within the complex realm that lies between scientific processes and local communities, often on the frontlines of communicable diseases.

Please note that the artworks Voracious Embrace and Invisible Currents by Lêna Bùi have been temporarily removed from display for conservation reasons.

For more information about the exhibition, visit the link of Wellcome Collection here



Kate MacDowell exhibits on October 2013

Kate MacDowell exhibits on now!

New work this weekend with Mindy Solomon at Texas Contemporary

Mindy Solomon Gallery returns to the Texas Contemporary Art Fair for the third year, presenting ‘Magical Thinking:’ The Narratives of Marc Burckhardt, Kate MacDowell, Christina West, and Christopher Winter. The exhibition will be on view October 10-13 at the George R. Brown Convention Center in Houston, booth number 807.

MEDinART_Kate MacDowell_scalpblastsharp