Med in Art

Article about MEDinART in JEAHIL, December Issue [Vol 15(4):17-22]

The article about MEDinART and its philosophy, by Dr. Vasia Hatzi,  has been published in December’s Issue of JEAHIL (Journal of the European Association for Health Information and Libraries), Vol 15(4); pp.17-22, December 2019.

Under the title “Exploring the interface between biomedical sciences and the arts through the global sci/art network MΕDinART”, the article describes MEDinARΤ, its philosophy and the messages that it delivers to society through its activities.

Special thanks to Peter Morgan, (retired) Head of Medical and Science Libraries, Cambridge University Library, UK, for the honoured invitation.

Explore the whole Issue HERE and feel free disseminate it to anyone that might be interested in the intersection of science and art.