The basis and the core of my artistic quest and work are the same fundamental questions about Life and Death, which concerned me while I was studying Medicine and later on working as a physician, issues that science describes and addresses.
What I have realized over the time is that the same questions get different “answers” based on ones position and medium of view. Science describes, art though renders really meaningful both questions as well as answers.
Having in my mind the spaces of hospitals, medical laboratories and their “inhabitants”, which I have profoundly experienced both as a doctor and as a patient, I use painting, collage, engraving, sculpture and installations trying to reach visually the relevant concepts of perishability, mortality, loneliness, depersonalization, alienation, disability as well as acceptance and hope.
Particularly concerns me and I’m interested in the human form in its decline. This is why deformed human portraits and sculptures cover a really big part of my work so far. Portraits deprived of individual characteristics and lined with fragments of their medical records; sculptures/installations of clay, laboratory equipment and wax which is for me a material reference to the changeability of human nature and the fragility of human existence.
Mania Efstathiou
Mania Efstathiou is also in Pinterest