"Tribute to hypophysis - Brain", 2011, old bed sheet, shirt, embroidery, pearl, polyester fiber and electric wire, 70cm x 19cm x 19cm. ©Karine Jollet
"Heart Arborescence" (detail), 2011, old bed sheet, pearls, embroidery, wadding and wire, 95cm x 55cm x 35cm. ©Karine Jollet
"Foot bones", 2007, old bed sheet, lace, pearls, satin and wadding, 28cm x 10cm x 17cm. ©Karine Jollet
"Empty Space - Skull", 2006, old bed sheet, lace, pearls, wadding and wire, 22cm x 15cm x 13cm. ©Karine Jollet
"Ancestor", 2005, old bed sheet and wadding, 36cm x 43cm x 25cm. ©Karine Jollet
"Containers - Feet", 2005, old bed sheet, satin, wadding and wire, 14cm x 25cm x 11cm each foot. ©Karine Jollet
"Relics", 2004, old bed sheet, wadding and wire, 40cm x 8cm x 11cm each arm. ©Karine Jollet
"Shroud", 2007, "boutis" on cotton handkerchieves, 40cm x 40cm. (Boutis is an old traditional technique, mainly developed in the south of France. The drawing is sewn on two pieces of fabrics and between them is inserted a cotton wick). ©Karine Jollet
"Lungs", 2007, "boutis" on a cotton tunic. ©Karine Jollet
Karine Jollet
Karine Jollet was born in 1971. She studied in Paris applied arts with special attention to sculpture, metals and design. Her main area of research has always been the relationship of content and container or, in other terms; the relationship of the outer skin of things and their interior. Looking for soft and flexible materials, in order to discover a less aggressive contact with the form, eventually took her to textile sculpture. Over time, the human body became her main object of sculptural research. Since 2003 Karine Jollet has presented her work in private and collective exhibitions in France and abroad and mainly in Switzerland, Belgium, Italy and Japan.