THE BODY IS A BIG PLACE. Science Gallery Dublin.
Pig hearts performance, 2-channel video, soundscape. Performance: Helen Pynor and Michael Shattock. Scientific Consultant: Professor Michael Shattock, Cardiovascular Division, King’s College London. Clinical Consultants: Dr Kumud Dhital, Dr Arjun Iyer and Jonathan Cropper St Vincent’s Hospital, Sydney, St Vincent’s Clinical School - University of New South Wales, Victor Chang Cardiac Research Institute, Sydney. Performance Photographs: Freddie Stevens. This work was supported by the Australian Network for Art and Technology, St Vincent’s Hospital, Sydney, St Vincent’s Clinical School – University of New South Wales, and the Victor Chang Cardiac Research Institute in association with the Australian Government through the Australia Council for the Arts, its arts funding and advisory body. This work was supported by the New South Wales Government through Arts NSW. Performance produced by Science Gallery Dublin. February 2013 ©Peta Clancy and Helen Pynor.

THE BODY IS A BIG PLACE. New media installation and pig hearts performances. 5-channel video projection, heart perfusion device, single video screen, soundscape. Performance Space, Sydney, Nov 2011. 2011, Collaboration with Helen Pynor. ©Peta Clancy and Helen Pynor.

THIS SKIN I'M IN (detail). Inkjet prints, Inkjet transfers, fabric, thread, hobby fill. 2002 ©Peta Clancy

GENETIC GENIE - BODY MANUFACTURE. Commissioned for Off Mozart festival, Sala Terrena, Salzburg, Austria. The genetic genie installation explored the image of the chromosome in a broader cultural context. The form of the chromosome (inflated sculpture) was based on a karyotype of Peta Clancy’s own chromosomes. For this project Peta Clancy worked in collaboration with Erik Hable and Sylvia Kranawetvogl. 2006 ©Peta Clancy

VISIBLE HUMAN BODIES (VHB). Brighton Museum & Art Gallery, UK, Duratran. Perspex, fluorescent lights. 80cm diameter (each image)
Photography Credit Phillip Carr. 2005 ©Peta Clancy

TOPOGRAPHY 3. From the series 'Paper Thin'. Pigment Print. 80 x 60cm. 2009. ©Peta Clancy

LIPS 1. From the series 'She carries it all like a map on her skin'. Type-C photograph face mounted on Perspex. 80 x 52.5cm. 2005-2006 ©Peta Clancy

Peta Clancy