Human desire strives to perfect our bodies and our lives. We want to look younger, prettier, be cleverer, stronger, more powerful, be loved, desired – and we want all of this for as long as possible. Most of all, the human instinct is to survive.
Science is progressing daily, making huge advancements in genetic engineering, cloning, and cybernetics. Our curiosity to meddle with the bodies that nature gave us is palpable. We, as humans, are greedy and never content and eager for knowledge. But how far should humans meddle with nature’s processes?
The human form is in a constant state of transformation. My work aims to unsettle and provoke, bring beauty into something unusual and possibly grotesque. It pushes forward into a world where forcing the body’s boundaries, can more widely be seen as enhancement.
But once ‘perfect’, what can we strive for? A new need for satisfaction will arise.
Katie Elder