«The Human Mandalas : when the invisible becomes visible…»
A poetic and universal artwork.
Everyday life events drove Hélène to look into the medical imagery.
As a visual artist and sculptor, she is part of the Wonderful Art movement: a positive, spiritual art looking for the proper essence of Creation. A delightful movement linking back Spirituality and Art. Her signature : « Create to live and make a better world ! ». Trigger dream, reflection, questioning and spiritual elevation, hoping to improve human condition.
She did not expect a simple radiologic exam to awake within herself an insatiable desire to create! This perception of the deep nature – made visible thanks to medical imagery – gave birth to her series : « The Human Mandalas ».
The mandala is a sacred worshipartobject. As a strong symbol, the medical imagery mandala constitutes a perfect harmony. Both lead us to the way to the research; one explores our body while the other helps us discovering our inner pathway. The mandala helps recovery, protects us, just as medical imagery progresses helped the Man to become « transparent » and thus be treated and cured.
Besides, the human brain creates itself « spontaneous » mandalas through its dreams, its fantasies and its drawings ; these represent The Oneself according to Carl Gustave Jung. Therefore, this Swiss psychiatrist developped the mandalas as therapeutic and educational (refocusing) tools; the mandala, that Jung called the magical circle, draws intuitively attention on spiritual elements through contemplation and focus, leading to inner reconciliation.
« The Human mandalas » also symbolize our universality, setting us all on an equal footing. Indeed, age, ethnic origin and even sex cannot be distinguished, depending on type of radiographic picture or observer knowledge. This could remind us this adapted excerpt from Hippocratic Oath (French physicians Board, 1996) : « I will respect all persons, their autonomy and wishes, without distinction according to their situation or conviction. »
Whether you belong to the medical sphere or you are amateur or novice, you should note the poetry and positive energy emerging from these works. How to remain indifferent to the beauty of our deep nature?