Nestbox. 2011 ©Geert Vanhoovels

Back To Nature By Prosthesis. 2011 ©Geert Vanhoovels

Our Transhuman Darkness. 2014 ©Geert Vanhoovels

Transhuman Victory Over Death. 2014 ©Geert Vanhoovels

Crush. 2015 ©Geert Vanhoovels

Life Support Machine (1). 2015 ©Geert Vanhoovels

Life Support Machine (2). 2015 ©Geert Vanhoovels

Geert Vanhoovels (and friends)
Geert Vanhoovels lives in Leuven (Belgium). His conceptual "TransHuman Generation Art" covers philosophical aspects related to transhumanism. This is a recent form of speculative philosophy that tries to break through the limits set by the nature of human existence. Topics that are covered in his work are the transition from human to machine, the effects of scientific and technological developments on society and human and animal rights.
Through a new visual language and references to the (art) history, his work provides a framework in which future visions can develop. To critically undermine and to suggest what utopicly would be desirable is the core of the social role of his contemporary art. The creative process leads to questioning the future evolution of man and society.