Von Oheimb Vanitas. Egg Tempera & oil on panel. 36 x 24 inches. *Painted from life in the studio. 2017. ©Benjamin Vierling

Vanitas. ©Benjamin Vierling

Gli Amanti. ©Benjamin Vierling

Papaver somniferum. ©Benjamin Vierling

Sacred Heart. ©Benjamin Vierling

Mandragora. ©Benjamin Vierling

Digitalis purpurea (Foxglove plant which contains digioxin, for use in patients with cardiac issues) ©Benjamin Vierling

Bird with Felida Skull. ©Benjamin Vierling

Memento Mori. ©Benjamin Vierling

Corvidae Skull. ©Benjamin Vierling
Benjamin A. Vierling is known for his diversely applied renderings of arcane subjects. Born in 1974, he developed an affinity with the fine arts during his childhood in San Francisco, and has studied independently in the United States and in Europe. Using predominantly a 15th century technique of mixing egg tempera & oil pigments, his work exalts the aesthetic ideal that art has the ability to unify disparate paradigms. Mythical references are integrated with contemporary subjects to bridge the timeless with the ephemeral in his iconic compositions. Vierling's paintings are exhibited internationally, most recently in New York, Cologne, Berlin and Seattle. His emblematic imagery has appeared on numerous book and album covers, including Daniel Schulke's Veneficium, and Joanna Newsom's acclaimed record, Ys.