Introduction artistic oeuvre
Antique garments and domestic textile pieces combined with medical tools and old pictures are prominent carriers in my art work to translate the human architecture and its related existential questions, which go hand in hand with the natural evolutionary process of the human body.
Besides my fascination for the complexity of the human body and its identity search; my creative inspirations are grown out my own life experiences as well my interest in historical resources of the medical and fashion/textile world.
Themes such as loss, sickness, birth and dead even childhood memories are discreetly weaved into intimate layers which are omnipresent in my artistic journey.
I prefer the aesthetics and sobriety of old textile objects which on the one hand ‘unwrap’ the remains of a time era and it’s realization of wonderful craftsmanship.
On the other hand this manual work characterizes patience, rituals and tradition for me; which relates directly to universal characteristics of the human condition within its various cultures.
By using highly recognizable ‘canvases’; the viewer will be confronted with a “new reality” that he/she can recognize and experience through his/her personal involvement and confrontation between his past and present. By reconstructing this new reality the visitor discovers his/her own reality as well certain memories again.
Annelies Slabbynck