During 2010, Greece came under the supervision of IMF and EU. The fear of poverty and financial recession has built up a feeling of social unrest. Memories of the Greek riots, according to the media, have created the expectation in Greece and abroad, of new, more violent riots. Influenced by this atmosphere, I am trying to create artworks and series of actions with social profile. My interest is for the behaviors, inner thoughts and the emotions of the people.
I want to give form to feelings that where intuitively provoked by the signs of unrest that I receive from all around me. I use the objects and the symbols that are plentifully scattered in the ruins of our social and political life. I am interested to represent the outcome of every human personhood and inner individuality.
My artwork is a metaphor for all the financially devastated countries all over the world. I try to find why, we are looking for happiness, but the certainty has bigger importance for us. Essentially I haven’t found anything yet , however, I enjoy searching.
Manolis Anastasakos

Cosmos Catalogue. ©Manolis Anastasakos

Cosmos Catalogue. ©Manolis Anastasakos

Cosmos Catalogue. ©Manolis Anastasakos

Cosmos Catalogue. ©Manolis Anastasakos

Manolis Anastasakos
Μanolis Anastasakos is a Greek artist. He was born in Athens in 1977. He completed his studies in applied arts, fine arts, visual psychotherapy and directing through various state scholarships and participations in European programs. Through his participation in numerous workshops, both in Greece and abroad, he gained an insight into the techniques of glassmaking and woodcarving. He also studied photography, scenography and iconography. He represented Greece in many solo and group exhibitions in Europe, Asia and the United States, where he received international acclaim and awards. He works across a wide range of disciplines such as painting, sculpture, illustration, engraving, directing, scenography, art curation. He is the director of the art department of the “ Biomimicry Greece, Research & Ιnnovation Center” and a member of the visual arts institution “A.Tassos”. He has worked in film and in theatre, in publishing houses and in the TV industry. One of the highlights of his career was working in the department of sculpture, painting and scenography in the 28th closing ceremony of the Olympic Games in Athens (2004). His work is included in contemporary art museums collections in Greece and abroad, as well as in important private collections. Anastasakos is interested in street art, in terms of wall murals and art installations. Several monumental works of his have been displayed in public spaces, through European programs. His work has been presented internationally in press publications, newspaper covers, documentaries, interviews and film productions. One of the main concerns of the artist is why people tend to confuse security with happiness and in which way art can reshape the viewers’ spiritual configuration, depending on their sense of aesthetics and critical thought. The artist claims he has not yet found an answer to this question, but he surely enjoys the pursuit of it.