My personal life experience led me to realize that health is not self-evident. I had the
opportunity to learn how powerful the combination of materials science, medical
science and medical art is today. The fact that I was able to benefit from it touched
me deeply and has a very enriching and grateful effect on me.
On this occasion I created an artistic series with the name Art4Heart. I use real
medical stents in a unique way. They are inserted into the varied environment of my
mixed media objects according to the type of assembly technique.
In this way I combine aspects of art, materials science and medicine. I try to visualize
how powerful this combination of science and medical skill is. It is also very important
to me to express respect and gratitude for what modern medicine is doing today for
the benefit of people. I hope that my art objects can inspire other people to be
interested in these modern medical possibilities, to recognize the outstanding
importance of innovation, to trust it and to appreciate it.
My creative work helped me to realize that time is the greatest and most valuable that
there is. Art grows out of creativity and time. In this way art becomes the
consequence of time and rises to the highest form of hope.
Genius is magical, not material. People who think only materially and without
emotional intelligence will not achieve anything really important. Only people who
reach other people’s hearts and souls can enrich the world. In this context electronic
internet clicks and digital followers are only fleeting, nothing else.Gunther Lill
I hereby declare that I have taken the photos personally and that I am the only owner of the copyrights to the images. I hereby grant permission to publish the images on the website of MEDinART: www.medinart.eu
Gunther Lill