"In the Beginning", acrylic on canvas, 24" x 30" © Dhru Deb, 2015.

"Elements of Fear", mixed media, 18" x 24" © Dhru Deb, 2015.

"The Chaotic Problem - 1" , watercolor on paper, adobe illustrator, variable size © Dhru Deb, 2015.

"The solution in Intermittency", acrylic on canvas, 30" x 40" © Dhru Deb, 2015.

"Looking Forward", acrylic on canvas, 24" x 24" © Dhru Deb, 2015.

Dhru Deb
Scientist-by-day and artist-at-night, I am interested in understanding the unpredictability of cancer and its therapeutic implications. I earned my Ph.D. in Cancer Biology at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas, Texas, USA in summer 2015. I am also a student in the BA (Hons) Illustration program at the Interactive Design Institute, University of Hertfordshire, UK. During the day, I conduct experiments and analyses on the variability of lung cancer cells. During the nights and the weekends, I work on cancer based art projects. For my contribution to cancer research, I have won the CCSB Young Scientist Award from Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, New York, USA in 2013. My cancer-art works are recognized and featured by Le Scienze, Rome, Italy, National Academies Keck Future Initiative, California, Leonardo Journal, MIT Press, Massachusetts, American Association for Cell Biology, Art Science Collaborations, Inc., New York, Sci Art in America online magazine, New York, and Creative disturbances project at UT Dallas, Texas, USA.