Breasts ©Camila Sita Carlow

Heart ©Camila Sita Carlow

Gut ©Camila Sita Carlow

Testicles ©Camila Sita Carlow

Uterus ©Camila Sita Carlow

Lungs ©Camila Sita Carlow

Camila Sita Carlow
The most fascinating and intricate of biological structures, yet we rarely pay heed to the organs inside our body. Regardless of whether we fill ourselves with toxins or nourishing food, whether we exercise or not – our organs sustain us, working away effortlessly and unnoticed.
In a similar way, plants flourishing in the urban environment are a testament to nature’s indifference to our goings on. They grow out of the sides of buildings, in brick walls and between the cracks in concrete, despite of the traffic and pollution.
Camila Sita Carlow